C05 - Understanding and modeling the influence of real operation conditions on catalyst performance


The objective of project C5 is an improved understanding of the relation of catalyst structure and activity for cleaning exhaust gases in transient real engine operation. Both the understanding of the structure-activity relation and the very dynamic operation of a real engine demand time- and space resolved emission measurements enabling cycle resolved emission analysis as well as time and space resolved numerical simulation of the emission control devices. Experimental and simulation data will be compared evaluating the performance of the developed materials and models. In this way, this project closes the loop between the microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic and technical level of the CRC.

Project-related publications by participating researchers

Project- and subject-related list of publications

P. Lott, U. Wagner, T. Koch, O. Deutschmann, Der Wasserstoffmotor Chancen und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zu einer dekarbonsierten Mobilität, Chemie Ingenieur Technik 2022, 94 (3),

DOI: 10.1002/cite.202100155

P. Lott, O. Deutschmann, Heterogeneous chemical reactionsA cornerstone in emission reduction of local pollutants and greenhouse gases, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2023, 39 (4), 4247-4256.

DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.06.001

P. Lott, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Exhaust gas after-treatment of lean-burn natural gas enginesfrom fundamentals to application, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2024, 123241.

DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2023.123241

K. Keller, P. Lott, H. Stotz, L. Maier, O. Deutschmann, Microkinetic Modeling of the Oxidation of Methane over PdO Catalyst Towards a Better Understanding of the Water Inhibition Effect, Catalysts 2020, 10(8), S. 922.

DOI: 10.3390/catal10080922

K. Keller, P. Lott, S. Tischer, M. Casapu, J.-D. Grunwaldt, O. Deutschmann, Methane Oxidation over PdO: Towards a better understanding of the influence of the support material, ChemCatChem 2023, 15.

DOI: 10.1002/cctc.202300366

K. Keller, S. Wan, M. Borchers, P. Lott, R. Suntz, O. Deutschmann, Treating NOx emission of hydrogen fueled combustion engines by NOx storage and reduction catalysts: A transient kinetic study including PLIF measurements, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 2023, 39 (4), 4247-4256.

DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.027

S. Tomin, U. Wagner, T. Koch, Influence of real CNG engine emissions on PdO/Al2O3 methane oxidation catalysts, Engineering Technology Open Access Journal 2023; 5(4): 555669.

DOI: 10.19080/ETOAJ.2023.05.555669